Saturday 4 February 2012



In Christopher Nolan's 2008 Blockbuster, 'The Dark Knight' there is one very interesting Interrogation Scene where the Joker has been captured by the Police and is to face Batman who need information out of him. This is a key plot-point in the film and is of a very violent Nature. This scene can be seen below (From YouTube) and I will analyse the techniques used for this interesting and sinister scene, giving information on how the scene was Filmed and why it was done this way.

The Room is in complete Darkness at first, presenting a dark, enigmatic and sinister backdrop for the interrogation. The Joker's face is alone (As if suspended) and shrouded in shadow, which is in contrast to the white face-paint on the Joker. The room is plain and the table is plain so there is nothing to catch the audiences attention other than the Lamp, the Joker and the Police Commissioner. The lamp is the source of the (minimum) light and acts as the medium between the characters, setting them both up as the predominant characters in this scene.

The basic 180 degree rule is applied throughout this scene. At first the Joker is kept on the left side of the frame and the Commissioner on the Right. This shifts around once the commissioner leaves and is replaced with Batman, suggesting that Batman will have different methods of extracting information from the Joker than the commissioner does.

One feature of this scene which catches my attention is from 4:19, when the Joker is on the floor, therefore at a Low-Angle, implying he is in a vulnerable position. And the Batman is at a high-angle, conveying his position of superiority over the Joker, while he is beating him up. The thing which I find most interesting is the positioning of the Batman's hands when the Joker is in shot. Both hands are so close to the Jokers face and clenched while Batman breathes heavily (Anger), this makes the Arms look much more deadly and enhances  the merciless feelings which Batman (the interrogator) must be having. Also, the Batman remains a dark silhouette so he is an enigmatic threat, looming over the Joker.

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