Monday 26 March 2012

Editing Video.

Adobe Premiere is the Editing programme we use for Editing. With it we can upload high quality video Footage and Edit the clips together Easily. Continuity between shots is the primary focus with this Editing, to keep the Audience drawn in throughout the opening scene.

Between Logos there will be a fade into and out of black, before bleaching into white and fading onto the first shot, which will show the sun and clouds. At first there will be dissolves between the shots onto thew Radio Towers along side the White noise. As the Setting sinks into mind, basic cuts will be used to speed up the base and put emphasis on the present time of the Radio Broadcast.

The Dossolve into the Interogation Scene is done to suggest a 'meanwhile' atmosphere for the audience. Once in the Hall, most of the editing will be basic cuts, all the time considering the 180 degree rule. This is because the short Interrogation is taking place in real time, any Dissolve will suggest a leap in time, as the character who is subject to the coming Interrogation will be waiting around for a long time, in front of the Dazzling light.

Here is a screenshot of the Editing in progress:

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