Tuesday 20 March 2012


The second Location will be the College Sports Hall, for the interrogation. We will shoot the scene after 4pm so the room is not being used and we can have all the lights off. The Sports hall was selected for this scene as it is the best location I'm aware of that the characters can be shrouded in Darkness. One disadvantage, however, is that there are the markings of Badminton and Basketball Pitches on the floor. They do, to an extent though, allow for interesting frame composition as the parallel lines in shot make the perspective of the shots seem more interesting and dramatic.

The light, for the interrogation, is a "Red-Head" and will be focused on the Collaborator character who is to be interrogated. The Two interrogators will stand on either side of the collaborator, not fully visible due to High-Key light, resulting in shard edged shadows on the edges of the Interrogators faces. The intention is to make the interrogators look dominant and the Collaborator to look Vulnerable.

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