Tuesday 24 April 2012

Interrogation Scene - Mise-en-scene

The room for the interrogation is the College Sports Hall. We wanted a Large Space, with all lights out except for the interrogation light, so the Victim (Jessica Lyon) Could be Surrounded by Darkness. The Floor is party disappointing because the sports courts can be seen on the floor. We were not able to cover these using something like a Turf, so we continued do without anything. It has, however, created a nice cinematographic effect in terms of parallel lines. They are lined across the floor to create an interesting perspective, as Jessica sits in the interrogation seat.

The Clothing had to be all Black, so the interrogators could blend into the darkness and so that Jessica looks like she has just committed an attack of some kind. We would have proffered official looking uniforms with Logos and Badges, and to have the interrogators walk in with Batons.

We had Jess sit on a chair facing towards the interrogation light, this way it was clear that she was to be subject to whoever the incoming characters are, which would be the Interrogators.

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