Tuesday 24 April 2012

Technologies - Camera and Tripod

We used Advanced, Modern, Contemporary technology to produce this film opening, including an advanced HD Panasonic Video Camera and a High Quality Tripod.

 Here is a close up of the Tripod we used. It's height could be adjusted to anywhere between 2ft and over 6ft. It's panning capabilities were really efficient, so we could get very subtle,gradual and barely noticeable pans, as well as Fast-Action Dramatic Whip-Pans, if we wanted.
This Photograph shows the full tripod, with adjustable pieces along the legs for the height. Here it is standing at about 5ft.

This Tripod was used for all the Radio Mast Shots, and for the Interrogation Scene. The Shaky-Cam moment at the end of the opening was filmed without using this tripod, but rather it was a hand-held shot.

This photograph shows the side of the camera. It had been attached to the Tripod.
This photograph shows Lauren Simpkin (Producer and Camera Operator) preparing the Camera for a test shoot.
Here is another side-shot of the Camera, showing it's other side. It had an adjustable Focus Pull dial at the front, attached to the lens. The Camera was DIGITAL and used a 7GB SD Card to store the Video Footage we collected.
Here is another Photograph of the Panasonic HD Camera.

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