Tuesday 24 April 2012

Special Effects

There were no spectacular special effects added into this video as it went through post-production. We included some minor adjustments to certain clips, such as the one where a character is running across a hill, with bellowing smoke towering over them, far in the distance. This was meant to be the terrorist attack which had been carried out, mentioned in the Radio Speech and has been suggested that it was carried out by Jessica's character.

We used colour adjustments in Adobe Premiere to make the scene look more fiery. The actual columns of smoke rising behind the hill in this scene is real, but it is just steam rising from a Power-Station in St-Helens, early in the Morning of January 28th 2012. Lot'f of stock footage was taken of this effect but in the end we could only pick one, to keep the video short.

One thing we thought had a good effect in this shot was the transformation of the figure into a silhouette, this makes it look much more enigmatic and therefore more dramatic.

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