Tuesday 24 April 2012

Representation of Social Groups - Gender

We did look into the ways which we could represent social groups for this film opening so we decided to cast the interrogation victim as a girl, she would be subject to the interrogators that were to be Males. The representation of Gender is conventional here, as she is sat on a chair; therefore she is lower than the male characters in terms of space-relationship.

We also stayed loyal to the convention of the hero being a male, saving the female victim. Andrew, who was thought to be on the side of the other interrogator, turns around and shoots him, providing a twist in the storyline and allowing an action-style close the opening.

The villains are all male and the voice at the start, on the radio, is an authoritative male voice. We considered voicing this broadcast as a gentle females voice at-fist, to juxtapose it against the imagery and make it look more ironic/subjugating/brainwashing.

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